The zGG (gross vehicle weight) and the tzGm (technically permissible maximum mass) both refer to the maximum mass a vehicle is allowed to carry or tow, but they have different meanings.
In summary, the zGG represents the legal limit for the total weight of a vehicle on the road, while the tzGm is the technically permissible mass the vehicle can carry according to the manufacturer’s specifications. It is important to adhere to both limits to ensure the safety and reliability of the vehicle.
From December 1, 2023, the tzGm (technically permissible maximum mass, registration certificate Part 1, field "F.1") will be used instead of the zGG (gross vehicle weight, registration certificate Part 1, field "F.2") for toll calculation.
Vehicles with a tzGm exceeding 3.5t, which were registered before December 1, 2023, and had a zGG of no more than 3.5t before December 1, 2023, can continue to purchase vignettes and tolls for vehicles up to 3.5t tzGm until January 31, 2029.
Valid immediately or later if desired.
Valid immediately or later if desired.
Valid immediately or later if desired.